Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

We are a safe and secure website with an up to date SSL certificate. We take privacy very seriously and never share any information with anyone.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Contact details

Your contact details will be securely stored with us for correspondence only. We also use Mailerlite for correspondence purposes you can check their privacy policy here: Section 9 is what about how your data is kept secure, I have included it below for easy viewing.

9. Protecting Subscriber’s lists and data

9.1. We reserve the right to monitor your lists, content and response data from time to time to make sure they comply with our TOS, we will never share, sell or rent your customer data to anyone for any reason.

9.2. Our data storage centres are in European Union and have information storage security certificate (ISO 27001) as well as a certificate of IT service management (ISO 20000) so you can rest assured that your Subscribers data is safe with us.


We use Google analytics to learn and see how users use our site such as time spent on various pages, no personal information is shared. Below is a link to their policy.